Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Battle Report: US Open 2023 Tacoma - Occultaris Campaign M2 - Necrons



Brother Captain Faustus: "In their haste to secure the drop sites, the Tenuous Allies are low on supplies. We must claim the resources about the area before the enemies of the Imperium capitalize on the situation."

"Squad Tourbillion will accompany me in Land Raider One.  Squads Lazarus and Uzziel will deploy to the flanks with Squad Nero providing withering cover fire from a position in the ruins designated as Sigma 2."

"Crush the enemies of the Emperor."


The second of 3 matches on the first day of the US Open narrative campaign was against James' exceptionally well painted Necron army.  Having leveled up after the first match, Faustus was sporting a master crafted power fist as well as some artificer terminator tactical dreadnought armour.

Battle Report:

Ruleset: 2023 Tenth Edition Leviathan US Open Narrative Missions, Tyrannic War Crusade
Mission: Scattered Supplies
Points: 1000

Mission Objectives:

At the end of the battle, each player scores 15VP for each objective marker that units from their crusade army are carrying, and an additional 5VP for those units that are wholly within the player's deployment zone.

My Forces:

+ Leaders +

  • Primus Leo Exevio Faustus - Captain in Terminator Armour: Warlord - Enhancement: Artificer Armour, Crusade Relic: Artificer Weapon: Power Fist

+ (Elites) +

  • Squad Tourbillion - 5 man Terminator Squad: Teleport Homer, Power sword, Storm bolter, Assault cannon, 3x Chainfist, Power fist
  • Squad Lazarus- 5 man Assault Squad w/ Jump Packs: Bolt Pistols, Chainswords, 1x Grav-pistol, 1x Power Fist
  • Squad Uzziel - 5 man Tyrannic War Veterans: Boltguns, Bolt pistols, combat weapons

+ (Heavy Support) +

  • Squad Nero - 5 man Devastator Squad: Power sword, plasma pistol, 3x Lascannon, Missile Launcher
  • Land Raider One - Land Raider - Twin Heavy Bolter, 2x Godhammer Lascannons

+ (Fast Attack) +

  • "One Charlie" - Land Speeder Tornado: Heavy flamer, Multi-melta

Takeaways & Analysis

Oath of Moment wins the day again for the Land Raider - it managed to blast away a wing of Tomb Blades with supporting fire from Squad Nero on the first turn.

On the Northern flank, Squad Lazarus and Squad Tourbillion lead by Brother Captain Leo Faustus himself eliminate a squad of Skorpekh  Destroyers and their leader (and kill him twice as he tries to get up).  They manage to pry some supplies out of its cold, (un)dead hands (space undead).

Meanwhile, Squad Uzziel grabbed supplies and retreated into the deployment zone as the land raider moved down the southern flank to secure another supply cache.  It took heavy fire from some heavy destroyers and turned back to escape.

With 4 of the 6 supply drops secured, and the massive damage sustained by the land raider, Faustus signals a tactical withdrawal, himself carrying the last supply drop, as the mission objectives were achieved.

Only One Charlie was lost (again), this time taking a battle scar as one of the crew members sustained fatal injuries.

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