Saturday, November 10, 2018

First Kill Team Battle - Ultramarines v Saim-Hann

I have a small ~1.2k Eldar force passed on to me from a friend that gave up the hobby.  After repairing some minor damage, my dad was a good sport and agreed to try 40k and field them vs my Ultramarines.  They're well painted and are classic 3rd-ish edition so really compliment my antique army as well.

While we wait for the glue to dry, and to ease into the rules a bit, I decided it would be fun to do a mini narrative campaign with a Kill Team skirmish using a few of the troops today.  Kill Team was really fun and I think once we get the hang of it we will be able to play the games much faster.

With the Eldar force relegated to us, it wasn't easy to make an interesting team, so I actually customized the rules a bit to use Warp Spiders.  I changed up the flicker jump rules a bit to make them like flip belts per suggestion on reddit.  I think it worked ok.

Battle Report:
I had strategic advantage.  We placed 4 objective markers in a diamond pattern across the map, one in each of our deployment areas, and then two in the ruins straddling the neutral zone.
The random objective was Infiltrate - thus objectives in the enemy zone would be worth points.

Scout Phase:
Xenos scouted out enemy forces.

Ultramarines deployed with plasma gun sniper in overwatch down the road and Hvy. Bolter in cover position over both objectives.  Sgt. Cornelius and rest of team set up to run into the objectives to take and hold.

Xenos took position in the hills outside the ruins.

 Round 1:
Xenos had initiative but mostly remained non-aggressive.  Turns out I should have done a better job explaining the ranges before deployment.  Ultramarines advanced onto both center line objectives, but were unlucky with run progress.

Round 2:
Ultramarines had initiative and continued to move up.  Captured north objective.  Xenos began shifting to the southern objective.

Round 3:
Eldar initiative, continued cautious progress to south objective only around the hill.  Ultramarines moved up plasma gunner and comms spotter leaving Heavy Bolter on watch.  Heavy Bolter caught Xeno Warp Spider Exarch in the open and inflicted 1 wound at long range.  Xeno took shots at advancing marines but were ineffective.

Round 4:
Ultramarines with initiative.  Sgt. Cornelius advanced past the south objective to the hill to force the Xenos to come around out into the open to contest.  Marine elements behind ready for support.  Xenos took the bait and ran out of cover to attempt to eliminate Cornelius and take objective.  Cornelius shrugged off Xeno fire with the grace of the Emperor's will.  Return fire was ineffective.

Round 5:
Xenos with initiative.  Eldar move to surround the Ultramarine Sgt.  Ultramarines charged engaging a Warp Spider and  Dire Avenger in close combat.  Hvy Bolter fire elimiated one Guardian Defender at long range.  Close combat was a complete draw.

Victory Condition:
North objective - Ultramarines.  East and West objectives - no points.  Southern objective ended in a draw.  Thus it was a victory for the Imperium of Man and the Xenos warped away as suddenly as they appeared.

My dad tends to play things cautious and unfortunately he wasn't familiar enough with his army or the rules to have the right approach.  I think he needed to be a bit more aggressive with his mobility and move up to and past the central objectives right away.  He could have consumed my slightly smaller force (but equal points) with hit and run tactics and then held the objectives with lone defenders hiding in a corner.  Unfortunately also the map layout kinda favored my side a bit inadvertently.  Its true that he might have taken losses, but clearly the dice make it so that he could have had a chance.  Was a fun learning experience for both of us and tomorrow we will play a full 40k game as a follow up to the skirmish!

++++Transmission: Adeptus Astartes Ultra++++
Battle Report
Date: 5861018.M42

Location: Weapons Test Planetiod 493
Sub Sector: Sigmatus
FW: Lieutenant  Aurelius

Scout Kill Team Cornelius reports contact light with Xenos - Eldar.  Markings matching Saim-Hann from record.

Secured artifact coordinates.  No casualties.  Enemy sustained light losses before warping away.  Victory for the Emperor.

 ++++End Transmission++++

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