Ultramarines list was all classic 1st to 3rd-ish edition minis:
1x Land Raider
1x Land Speeders (squadron of 2)
5x Tactical mini squads (5 men each)
HQ: Lieutenant Aurelius (classic mini)
The picture shows my Rogue Trader beakies as well who just wanted to pose, but they would have put me over the points limit dictated by the number of Eldar we had. Back then it was ok to put camo on marines.
Saim-Hann list also classic minis:
1x Falcon Grav Tank
1x Wraithlord
3x Vypers in (2 units of 3 and 1 unit of 2)
1x Warp Spiders (4 models)
1x Dire Avengers (10 models)
1x Guardian Defenders (12 models)
1x Rangers (5 models)
HQ: Autrach Skyrunner
Mission was basic Only War with Domination victory condition.
Objectives included 1 atop a mountain in the center of the table, one in ruins in the Ultramarine deployments zone, and 2 in the Eldar deployment zone.
Deployment -
Ultramarines aggressively deployed at the edge of the neutral zone ready to take the southern objective and central objective. The Land Raider was loaded up with 2 squads ready to get there. The close by eastern ruins were guarded with one squad that stretched over to a nearby hill to set up a missile launcher. Speeders deployed to the north to harass the northern objective deep in Eldar territory.
Eldar positioned to take the objectives in their deployment zone, but did not deploy as aggressively.
Round 1
Moved up to take the central mountain objective. Fire from the Land Raider and Heavy Bolter squad killed 4 Guardians, 1 Spider, and put some damage on the Wraithlord. The Speeders raced up and got some lucky Multi-Melta crits taking the Wraithlord down to half health. The weak Xeno infantry lost more as they fled the battle.
Scored 2 victory points.
Moved into the objectives with infantry. Vypers and Falcon moved to intercept the Land Raider which was a juicy transport target. Only succeeded in putting on 4 wounds.
Scored 2 victory points.
Round 2
After dumping out the Emperor's Finest with blazing weapons, the Land Raider moved in to contest the southern objective. Heavy sustained fire from the Land Raider, and 3 tactical squads succeeded in pacifying the Falcon (Is First Blood still a thing in 8th edition?). A frag missile from range took out a sniper Ranger. Damage was done to the Vypers which are surprisingly sturdy. 2 Squads charged and engaged the hover bikes doing some slight damage and the Xeno cowards would end up speeding off to the north.
Scored 2 victory points (and maybe another for first blood
Moved all units off the northern objective to engage the Land Speeder squadron doing moderate damage. The Vypers also retreated from the southern objective to assist to the north. In a daring move, the Warp Spiders and 2 Vypers flanked Lieutenant Aurelius but he was protected by the Emperor's Will.
Scored 0 victory points.
Round 3
Moved in to capture the southern objective and eliminated the Warp Spiders. Lieutenant Aurelius personally delivered the Emperor's mercy.
Scored 3 victory points.
We ran out of time and also we thought that there was no way to recover for the Eldar so we called it there.
My dad and I both agreed that he needed to be a bit more aggressive with deployment positions and he didn't quite get the hang of the hit and run tactics that the Saim-Hann can do. I think the critical mistake was focusing on the Land Raider on round 1. He should have moved up forces beyond the southern objective to create a buffer and prevent the Land Raider from contesting it, while using the Vypers to also contest my own objectives in the back. Meanwhile, I was focused on taking and holding my objectives and creating opportunities to deny/delay his scoring just to get ahead for the win.
++++Transmission: Adeptus Astartes Ultra++++
Battle Report from Lieutenant Aurelius
Date: 5863018.M42
Location: Rust Planetiod 492
Sub Sector: Sigmatus
FW: Primus Leo Exevio Faustus
Aurelius reports after initial skirmish with Saim-Hann, the main force was detected on 492. Strike force was sent to purge the alien.
The Xeno threat was driven away from the Weapon Test site in a major victory for the Emperor, however, analysis indicates that their objective was to probe our defenses and withdraw. Only a fool would believe they will not return with greater numbers. Request Tactical Dreadnought Armor
REF: QLT/564138135486135486135483
THOUGHT: Do not waste your tears. I was not born to watch the world grow dim. Life is not measured in years, but by the deeds of men. RT 113
++++End Transmission++++
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