Thursday, June 13, 2019

Regarding Chapter Approved 2019

Recently I analyzed some of the traffic visiting my blog and I realized that people are searching for the next edition of the Games Workshop rules update for Eighth Edition.  I apologize for the mix up, but I have no spoilers or information on the upcoming 2019 changes.

Here are some links to sites that might:

Regarding the name of the blog: I chose "Chapter Approved" because in the 40k fluff art from Rogue Trader it was stamped on everything to convey the approval of the chapter (presumably to the codex) and thus I wanted to make the connection to that and the work I am blogging about.

"Chapter Approved" also was a White Dwarf magazine column that in some ways did the same thing as my blog but at a bigger scope.  There they discussed a wide variety of 40k topics, including modeling, and originally it was fronted by the game "Overfiend" Andy Chambers.

According to the Lexicanum, they did publish a few editions of "Chapter Approved" rule book updates in the early 2000s (which I had not realized) way back for third edition.  When I came along they hadn't been doing this and so I went with my title.  Suddenly in Eighth they started up again, so again my apologies, but I'm not changing it.  Looking back, if I had used some sort of 'oldhammer' name I might have attracted the right audience, but at the same time, this blog is for me.

Hope you stay to look at some cool oldhammer Rogue Trader thru 3rd edition era stuff.



  1. Haha, happy coincidence that you had named your fine blog something that GW then decided to reincarnate. Hopefully some visitors had a look around and found something useful regardless!
