Monday, December 6, 2021

Chappy 'n Cappy (WIP) Update 3

Things did not go as planned this weekend, so the 40k game I hinted about got postponed.  The upside is that I had almost 4 hours of uninterrupted time to paint!  So, I made a lot of progress on Chappy 'n Cappy.

First, I largely finished all of the base layers (the only exceptions are the special effect areas on the power sword and plasma pistol).  I completed the base layers for mostly bone and scroll using Zandri Dust, and then moved on to metallics.  Most of my army uses golden yellow should pauldron trim which works really nicely with the blue.  For the captain, I wanted to go with a metallic gold instead, especially since the sculpt seems to feature areas that look like they are intended that way.  I'm going to do Vallejo Brass and then Old Gold highlights and Shining Gold edges.  Or maybe Silver edges, might even be better.

I also finished shading.  Its a little hard to see in the pictures.  I think because I don't have the edge highlights on the chaplain yet, the camera has to really over expose to pick up the details, which then washes out the colors a bit.  I really need a better setup to take pictures, maybe some day.  You can see a bit of the shading really well on the blue pauldron under the wing.

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